• Forum and CMS migration / conversion services are not listed in this shop section. Every forum is different so we consult with you to provide a quote and timeline. Please visit migration service quote page.
Xenforo Enhanced Search with Linux Elasticsearch Installation

Xenforo Enhanced Search with Linux Elasticsearch Installation

Xenforo's Enhanced Search is a great solution for "big boards". It uses fewer resources than standard search and provides more relevant search results when the number of posts to be searched is large.

This service includes:
  • Installing Xenforo Enhanced Search Addon
  • Install Elasticsearch
  • Installing Java 6, 7 or 11 JRE, depending on your environment.
  • Setting up Elasticsearch IP settings, index location and naming, and basic settings.
  • Setting up Linux service to auto-start Elasticsearch at boot.
  • Re-Indexing your forum search into Elasticsearch.
Installation and setup of Xenforo's Enhanced Search addon, plus Java and Elastic Search software it requires. Note this requires root server access either through SSH, WHM or other web based panel which offers root access.

This service requires:
  • Temporary Super Admin access to your Xenforo forum.
  • Server root access.
  • SSH login details
Service offer
85.00 USD
First release
Last update

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