FAST UBB.Threads Imports for Xenforo


Staff member
Xenforo 2.x importer does not support UBB.Threads, and for a long time we've always resorted to using a custom modified version of IPS's importer followed by a 2nd import to Xenforo. It's never been ideal, and it's always been very slow. But there's never been enough demand for UBB.Threads to justify our spending the time to write a complete customer importer for it.

Recently a large and well-known forum that's been operating with UBB.Threads approached us about handling their migration to Xenforo. After going through our normal procedures for UBB.Threads --> Xenforo, it was obvious we needed to address the speed, or they would end up being down for 2-3 days during their scheduled "live date." So one of our techs took some of our existing tools and refreshed a version from the ground up to do a direct import without the previous two-stage process. Not only this, but the tech also wrote it to be incredibly fast.

How fast? On our staging server, a full import of this 5.6 million post forum was completed in about 20 minutes. As with all imports, Xenforo needs to run it's various cache rebuilds, and those take an hour or so, but the forum was effectively ready to use after the 20-minute import.

In conclusion, if you have a UBB.Threads based forum you need to be migrated to Xenforo let us know. We can handle it faster and more completely than anyone else. We even have an incremental import for it! With this, we do an initial import on a testing installation and once you have your test site looking how you want it, we use our incremental importer to "catch up" new users, posts, threads, attachments and private messages from the live site so your schedule live date has minimal downtime.
Non-Emergency Business Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM, US Central Time excluding federal holidays.


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