Service Prices

This services price list supersedes all previously published prices. Updated December 26, 2021.

Xenforo services pricing:
Invision Community (IPS) services pricing:
WordPress Web Sites
We can set up and design a custom WordPress site for your business. Since designs can range from simple to complex, and small to large, these are quoted a case-by-case basis.

Linux Server Work, Consulting, and Other Misc Work
We quote this work on a flat rate or hourly basis, depending on the length, scope and frequency of the work we do for you. Hourly work is billed in 15-minute increments with a 1 hour minimum. Examples of what we can handle:
  • Installation and setup of most major distributions
  • Major system updates (for instance CentOS 6.x or 7.x to 8.x, converting CentOS to Rocky, Oracle or Alma Linux)
  • Apache, Nginx, Litespeed or Open Litespeed web server software
  • Install and setup PHP-FPM for the fastest PHP speeds.
  • Redis, Memcached, Elastic Search, or KeyDB
  • MySQL or MariaDB installation and tuning
  • Custom shell scripts
  • Security Audit
  • Troubleshooting
  • Setup remote backup to Google Drive, Amazon S3, Google Cloud, Microsoft OneDrive, Wasabi, Digital Ocean Spaces, Microsoft Azure, and many others.
  • Setup a web-based server admin panel: Litespeed Cyberpanel, Centminmod, WHM/CPanel, CentOS Web Panel (CWP), phpMyAdmin, Kloxo, Webmin, ISPConfig, etc.
  • Setup AWS (Amazon Web Services): Web hosting, MySQL/MariaDB, Simple Email Services, Elasticache, S3 storage, etc.
  • Linux version upgrade
  • Consulting and Training
  • Word Press site design
Any quotes provided are for work during our business hours, Monday – Thursday (CST), 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM, excluding USA holidays. Work outside of these hours or emergency requests during these hours are billable at 1.5 times our standard rate with a two hour minimum.
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Miscellaneous notes:

- Non-USA transactions may have a currency exchange fee, determined by the payment processor. If you prefer to minimize fees and have a bank account connected to your Paypal account, please let us know. We can invoice using the Paypal e-check option, which limits the maximum fee to $5.
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Non-Emergency Business Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM, US Central Time excluding federal holidays.


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