To all our clients and potential clients


Staff member
To all our clients and potential clients:

Though most of you know Driven 2 for our CMS and forum migration services, we've been handling other work since the mid-2000s for clients in many fields. This includes e-commerce, web design, software development, server management, and database administration.

Since mid-February, as more countries implemented stay-at-home measures due to COVID-19, we began seeing a steady increase in urgent and emergency work requests. These have ranged from ramping up server capacity in niches with dramatic increases in traffic, to clients who handle needs such as loan processing to help small businesses survive and adapt.

This has disrupted and delayed our schedules on numerous occasions. This, in turn, results in clients asking about their schedule, more email to handle, and rescheduling - taking more time to handle, causing their schedules and others to become disrupted again - and it's an endless cycle.

Emergency work and requests from long term ongoing clients whose businesses are impacted by the COVID-19 situation must have priority.

All other migration projects, including those currently underway, are now being completed in the order received in our work queue. In some cases, you might receive only a 2-4 hour advance notice we are about to begin work for a "go live" time as we jump on your project immediately after completing another. Go live times will be within the hours of 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday, US Central time - no exceptions.

I recognize this is inconvenient to some and apologize. Our dedicated staff is a small team including myself, a web designer, an additional software developer/database admin who handles non-migration work, and our administrative assistant/bookkeeper. They've been working extra long hours for weeks, and need personal downtime too! As for myself, I put in 70+ hours this past week and I am writing this at 3:30 am on a Monday morning - yes, it's that busy.

Thank you for your understanding,
Ken Payne
Founder, Driven 2 LLC

PS - I hope you, your colleagues, friends and loved ones are safe and healthy during this global situation!
Hello all.

Our workload is finally getting back to normal! We can now restart scheduling clients, but be aware we may still be hit by unexpected urgent/priority requests so we cannot 100% guarantee a scheduled date (but will get close to it, worst case).
Non-Emergency Business Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM, US Central Time excluding federal holidays.


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