vBulletin 6 to Xenforo and Invision Community conversions now supported

We're pleased to announce we now support vBulletin 6 to Xenforo 2, and vBulletin 6 to Invision 4 conversions.

For vBulletin 6 to Xenforo migrations, the following data is imported:
  • User Groups (Member Groups)
  • Users (Members)
  • User Profile Fields
  • Avatars
  • Private Messages
  • Visitor Messages (Profile Posts)
  • Categories
  • Categtory Permissions
  • Forums
  • Forum Permissions
  • Threads
  • Thread Prefixes
  • Thread Subscriptions
  • Posts
  • Post Edit History
  • Polls
  • Moderators
  • Administrators
  • Feeds
  • BBCodes
  • Smileys (Emoticons)
  • Tags
  • Attachments
  • Reputation (Reactions)
  • Infractions
  • Announcements
  • Notices
  • Media Gallery / Albums (additional service not included in base migration)
  • Banned users
  • Ignored Users
  • Paid Subscriptions
  • URL redirects
Contact Us to get started.

For vBulletin 6 to Invision migrations, the following data is imported:
  • Avatars
  • User Groups (Member Groups)
  • Users (Members)
  • User Profile Fields
  • User History
  • Ignored Users
  • Banned Users
  • Private Messages
  • Clubs
  • Club Members
  • Club Posts
  • Categories
  • Forums
  • Threads (Topics)
  • Posts
  • Attachments
  • Smileys (Emoticons)
  • Moderators
  • Administrators
  • URL redirects
Contact Us to get started.
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