Xenforo Migration Requirements


Staff member
(Updated September 23rd, 2019)

We need the following information from you before we do any migration work. We will request this via email or private conversation - never post this information public.


- You must have run and passed the Xenforo compatibility checker: https://xenforo.com/purchase/requirements-zip

- We need the ability to make backups, create databases, and copy/extract archive files. This requires CPanel, CyberPanel, WHM, CWPanel, DirectAdmin or hosts with modified CPanel such as GoDaddy. If you do not have one of these, you must supply us with SSH login information. SSH access is our preferred access method. FTP alone is not sufficient. Your hosting control panel language must be set to English.

- If your hosting uses Plesk, DirectAdmin or WebAs control panel you must be able to supply use with SSH login information. We will only work on these servers through a shell, not through FTP or the control panel. These control panels usually require additional time for us to work with it. Your SSH shell must have the ability to run mysqldump and create databases.

- You must have a valid Xenforo license.

- Current forum Mysql user name and password.

- There must be at least as much disk space free plus 20% as the current forum installation.

- There must also be enough space to accommodate the new database.

- Your current forum admin panel login information. This needs to be a full admin login with all privileges.

- Your current forum admin panel URL. For example www.domainname.com/admincp

- A copy of your licensed Xenforo zip file, and all Xenforo or third-party addon zip files. You can either email these to us at webmaster @ driven2services.com or place them on your server. If you place them on your server, please let us know the location of these files.

- Any non-English control panel must be set to English before we log in.

- You must test all user ids, passwords and URLs, including SSH if supplied, before giving us this information. Receiving untested non-working credentials is a common headache for us. Failure to provide working credentials may cause delays to your project.

Exceptions to the above requirements can often increase the cost of the project.

If your project has delays because of no failure on our part, but due to a situation with your server, your project will be rescheduled for the next available open date. We can not bump other client schedules for yours.
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