Xenforo Proxy Service

Driven 2 is pleased to announce our new Xenforo proxy service. We've set these up for clients before, when they needed to protect their server IP address from being leaked by Xenforo. This past week, after helping two clients with DDOS attacks, we decided offer this as a service.

CloudFlare or another DDOS service is not enough to protect your server against DDOS attacks. If the server's IP address "leaks", it's a trivial matter for the attacker to target your server directly. On Xenforo, leaks come through two vectors:

1. Email. If Xenforo uses your server to send email instead of an external email service, it's leaking it's IP address. Switch to an outside email service such as Amazon SES - contact us if you need help with this.

2. Xenforo fetching from outside resources. Xenforo's URL Unfurl feature, it's link proxy and it's image proxy leak the server's IP address. These happen any time your users post a link, post an external image using [ img ] BBCodes, or click a link in a post if you have the link proxy turned on.

Our proxy service solves issue 2. You simply add one line of text to your Xenforo's src/config.php file and we do the rest.

This service is $5 per month per physical server IP address. So if you have two web servers for a site, the charge would be $10 per month.

Contact Us to get started.
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