What Does Managed Xenforo Hosting Cover?
  • Free transfer of a single Xenforo site to our server.
  • Free installation of Xenforo add-ons.
  • Xenforo updates.
  • Third-party add-on update notifications.
  • Bring your existing domain name, or use one of ours.
  • Server software updates.
  • Daily backups to an off-site backup server.
  • SFTP access to daily backups.
  • Server monitoring and alerts.
  • DDoS protection.
  • SSL security.
  • FFmpeg, ImageMagick, Redis and Elasticsearch installation if needed and requested for your community.
  • Initial server configuration and optimization. Backup restoration

What Does Managed Xenforo hosting not cover?
  • Research and recommending add-ons. Xenforo has a wonderful marketplace of free and paid add-ons. This includes search capabilities.
  • Purchasing add-ons or any or licenses on your behalf.
  • Xenforo and add-on permissions and settings. You are responsible for determining the features and permissions for your members and visitors.
  • Resolving software bugs and incompatibilities. You are responsible for determining Xenforo works with any add-on.
  • Administering and moderating your forum.
  • Setup of S3 or other external storage.
  • Import services. We offer this as a paid service.
  • Major Xenforo updates if any third-party add-ons are being used. For example, the 2.2.x to 2.3 update is considered major due to it requiring updates to many add-ons. Xenforo 2.2.15 to 2.2.16 would not be considered a major update.
  • Custom theme and styling work.