Xenforo Forum Proxy Service - Yearly

Xenforo Forum Proxy Service - Yearly


Staff member
smallercloud-g934993f07_640.pngIf you use Cloudflare or another DDOS protection service, that service alone is not enough. You must not send mails directly from your forum, and instead it it setup to use an external SMTP mail delivery service to hide your server's IP address. We recommend mxroute.com for smaller sites and Amazon Simple Email Service for larger sites.

Next, you must properly setup your Xenforo to properly use the Image Proxy and Unfurl features. Whenever a user posts an image or link URL in a post, resource or other content, Xenforo fetches it to gather some basic information about it, and optionally store it in a local cache. This fetch leaks your IP address to an attacker.

Our proxy service routes these fetches through one of our servers. An attacker will see our proxy's IP address instead of your server's IP address. This helps to prevent them from determining your server's IP address, by-passing Cloudflare and attacking your server directly.

Our proxy services are setup to only except connections from our clients. In the event someone who wants to attack your site attacks our proxy, the worst that will happen is external images can't be added to posts on your forums, and links won't have titles automatically added. Your forum stays operational!

After you purchase this service we will email you complete setup instructions.

The service will renew every month at a cost of $5. This is for a single Xenforo installation.
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